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At Mindat, the capital of the region of South Chin, we support two colleges with 80 and 107 children respectively, including 44 orphans. Most children would not otherwise have the opportunity to attend school, because they come from extremely poor families and live in remote  mountain villages. We would procure clothes and warm sweaters for orphans because in the mountains winter is particularly cold, and sometimes it even snows there. Also in Mindat we support a retirement home where 19 people who have no family live. The Sisters take care of the elderly and orphans.

Matupi, where we support three small colleges, is also in the mountains and is connected to the rest of the world by a single road running through the jungle. For this reason all the food/groceries are much more expensive.

Rung, a small jungle village is completely cut off from the outside world during the rainy season. In other seasons, it takes three days on foot to reach the place. In the village there are no shops, no electricity and the inhabitants live on what they grow or hunt. There are  22 children attending primary school in the college. Their teacher is Father Philip. We would like to provide them with school books and clothes and start a nutritional program there too.





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