To minimize the cost of sending out donation receipts, we only send receipts for amounts from €100 or more.

Should you require a receipt for smaller amounts, please let us know when you indicate a project or contact us.

If you have sent a monthly donation or a number of donations throughout the year, you will automatically receive an end of year tax statement and receipt.


Why you should support our charitable association

We are a charitable organization which guarantees that your donations, right up to the last penny, will go directly to people in need. Promotional and any other expenses incurred by the association are paid for from the pockets of the members themselves.  

Our top priorities: Absolute transparency and self-determination of the association as to which projects we support. Only projects known to us personally and under our supervision receive support. The priest in charge of Kanazogo is a trusted, long–term, personal friend of one of our members.

The organization’s policy of inclusion and equality determines the projects to receive support, independent of race, religion,gender or ethnicity.


LOGIN staff